Monday 5 August 2013

First Attempt at YouTube Battle Reports

I'm a huge fan of watching battle reports on youtube.  My kind of battle reports are ones that are tactically motivated games between two competitive lists with nicely painted armies.  These could range from Warmachine to Warhammer Fantasy or from Warcraft 3 to Starcraft 2, as long as you could learn something from watching the games.  If I'm to watch tabletop wargames battle reports, I prefer to either watch a well-known competitive player or games straight of a tournament themselves.  The reason being is (somewhat obviously) most people take the best shit they can in competitive matches and watching them is how you learn to defeat them. 

I decided after watching various inspiring YouTubers all the time that I'd try my hand at making a report as well.  Having this channel leads to much more than just battle reports but to painting tutorials or showcases that I'd be interested in exploring at a later time.  If everything works out as I hope it will, there will be tons of content from (hopefully) many different sources other than myself about gaming, painting, and hobbying as a whole.

My first report is the first game that I played at Wet Coast GT 2013 against Peter Davis and his Lizardmen.  Unfortunately it was a loss for me, but my opponent is probably one of the best WFB players in the area so much could be learned from him.  There are still plenty of things to work on for my videos such as taking better and more detailed pictures, going over deployment, initial thoughts of the game, army lists, scenarios, and even pictures of the painted armies.  I'll be keeping all these things in mind for future reports.

Hope you enjoy, if WFB isn't your thing, there will be plenty of WM/H games to come I'm sure. 

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