Sunday 10 February 2013

Avatars of War 2013 painting contest

This is an online painting competition I'm entering for an Avatars of War 2013 contest held by  I've previously entered their kingdom death competition and was pretty much blown out of the water with only 5% of people voting for me haha.  go me!

So hopefully this competition goes a little better!  The chances of me winning atleast something are slightly higher this time just due to the fact that there is a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize as opposed to only a 1st prize in the kingdom death competition. 

I had this model lying around have since sold the dark elf army i was intending on using her for, so handily, this competition rolls around and she now has a purpose!  I painted her up in 2 of my favorite colors to paint: p3 reds and p3 blue/greys.  While i would never paint an entire DE army like this, i thought it was cold and contrasting enough for the competition.  I painted and repainted her hair many times from red and blue to white to black and really couldnt decide on anything so just went with the latter.  her hair wasn't modeled too well in my opinion; it composed of small, individual strands that really only lend themselves to drybrushing which is sloppy in general and hard to control.  so i fudged it the best i could anyways.  the hair is really the only disappointment for me on this model, i was happy with the way the skin turned out as well as the seadragon cloak and baby dragon on her shoulder (although its hard to see where the baby's head is!)  i decided to not to non metallic metal on this model, just because i wanted to change things up a bit.  it reminded me how much i loathe using metallics.  they are just crap to work with.  they are thick, they are unforgiving when you paint out of the boundaries and they ruin your brush if you dont clean it really well.  just poo.  go NMM all the way.  on the contrary, i do realize it has potential to look just as cool and beautiful as NMM when done properly and eventually that is what i want to achieve. 

I have to give a shoutout to my awesome friend Sherry who helped me out with her bad ass camera in taking these shots!  she is quite the photographer!  I'll be buying her lunch in the near future I'm sure, and she says she will help me take more photos of my minis in the future!  go sherry! thanks!

Sherry in action:

And happy Chinese New Year!!

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