Tuesday 19 March 2013


So while this isn't really hobby related (other than the reason why I haven't had much hobby time the past few days) this is pretty big news!  My son Lukas was born early Saturday morning and taking care of him and giving my wife a break has been top priority!  Grandma and grandpa are doing a good job helping us too and providing tons of clothes for him.  I am the most tired I think I've ever been in my entire life and haven't slept hardly at all.  We just came home yesterday after spending a couple nights at the hospital while the nurses made sure Lukas checked out fine.  So far, so good!  He's gained weight since birth and eats and poops and makes noise and does all those baby things.  Without further delay, here he is!

 First night in the hospital room.  I believe this was taken when he had only been born a couple hours.
 Finally coming home yesterday, I was very relieved because during the stay at the hospital I was sleeping on a shitty fold out mattress on the floor beside my wife's hospital bed.  And there was no where to escape the crying unless I wanted to leave the room entirely! Home is much more comfortable and there are many places of refuge and more hands on deck to do babysitting.

For those who don't know me personally, my wife is Chinese so naturally Lukas is half Canadian half Chinese!  It sounds cliche but he'll have the best of both worlds: gifts at Christmas and money at Chinese New Year.  Two languages will be a big bonus for him as well.

Hanging out with dad at home.  He looks like a penguin cuz his clothes are a bit too big

Sporting some new clothes from grandma and grandpa today.  He's dirtied them a few times already and they've been through the washer equally as many times.  Of course, he's still rockin his OG toque from the hospital.

So hopefully within the next couple weeks I'll have everything sorted out and develop a better schedule to have some hobby time once again.  I'll have to work on a way to bring my painting stuff a little closer and more on-hand where I can watch Lukas and do some hobby work at the same time.  There's still L&L coming up that I'll be painting a few models for... and next month comes the Mammoth!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! My son is now 4 and a half, and I remember the first few days (and nights... they all blur together due to the lack of sleep) extremely well. I think the biggest thing to remember is to accept as much help as you can from friends and family. Back in the caveman / tribal days, no couple would ever raise a child by themselves. Biologically, we're just not meant to do it alone. My parents were constantly bringing food over, so we didn't have to cook for ourselves, and my wife's parents came over to give us a break from watching our son one time, thinking that we'd go and see a matinee or something. Instead, we went back to our bedroom and slept the best sleep we had had since our son was born.

    It's going to be hard at times, but you will love it. The best thing is that for every thing that gets harder (potty training, "terrible twos", cholic, late night feedings, etc.), something else will get easier (no longer needing to change diapers, them learning enough words to tell you what's upsetting them, etc.). And as your child's personality develops, that's the most rewarding thing of all. At four, my son is more fun and cute than a whole busload of newborns, in my opinion.

    You've got a lot to look forward to. Sure, cherish the present moment, but also know that it just keeps getting better and better.
