Wednesday 13 March 2013

Update on Privateer Press parts replacement

Here's the part replacement I ordered.  It came within what.. 2-3 weeks?  Thats pretty decent knowing that with all the colossals and gargantuans and battle engines floating around nowadays there are probably many people requiring replacement parts.  The only beef I have with this is they didn't actually tell me ahead of time they were sending it.  In fact, other than me sending the initial message, there was no contact between PP and I at all.  I guess the main point is they sent it but what would happen if it didn't reach my place and was lost in the mail - I would be sending a 2nd request after who knows how long.  Maybe they usually do send emails prior to mailing the replacement part, or maybe it's a function on the website that I have to log in to to see (I could've just forgot I made an account which is almost certainly the case).

In other news! Look what I got today! I've read through the first story so far and am almost through the Trollblood fluff section.  I've been waiting for this soooooo long and holy crap are there tons of cool stuff in here.  I'm definitely more stoked than I was after getting the previous expansion, Hordes: Domination.  I'm really happy with almost everything Skorne got but don't know what to think of our new warlock yet.  It seems her spell list and abilities really reward getting into the thick of things but that honestly isn't my style with warlocks.  This game is won and lost on that single entity living or dying so throwing your warlock up front really is counter intuitive most of the time.  However, she is quite survivable and should have plenty of fury on her for transfers.  Skorne has access to a wide variety of great defensive animi to boot so we'll have to see. 

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