Monday 29 April 2013

Gaming galore, and assembling

I've been playing a LOT of warmachine lately.   I've been trying to get in more than one game every time I go out.  I've worked a good schedule up with my wife for taking care of the baby so I think now I'll be able to reliably play more than once a week.  Last week in particular, I played probably 6 games on 4 different days! holy crap.  Here are some random photos:

This was a game against my good friend Paul who I unfortunately don't get to see too often anymore because of his work and school schedules.  Hopefully that will be changing soon.  We had some BBQ pork and went to the Legion for some beer before this game.  Just like old times. Super fun and of course I forget to take pictures after turn 1... zzZzzZz

This was a game I had against a Strategies regular who's identity I will keep concealed in case he doesn't want his name on my blog!  Great guy, good to see him out playing games on Sundays.  His force is really well painted and he's a great sport.  I remembered to take pictures up until turn 2 this time.  This second picture was gators failing to penetrate ARM 18 shield walled Iron Fang Pikemen.  I had another game before this one where I forgot to take pictures, but it was also a nice game.  I tried the mortitheurge willbreakers for the first time and really was impressed.  I didn't use ancillary attack all that often but puppet strings on your caster makes you feel so safe in not boosting something when you need averages; knowing you can reroll builds confidence.  Although they both eventually died to a single pistol wraith (in the same turn!) i still got their worth being able to get a couple disgusting ashes to ashes and killing a net 9 or 10 cryxians.  Good times! Again, thanks to everyone who came out to Strategies on sunday


I've been building my mammoth over the past few days and really made some progress today with magnetizing and planning out the base/how i will break him down into paintable parts.  I decided the mammoth should be painted in 5 main parts, with the 2 big arms remaining separate (because they are joined to the shoulder by ropes so no green stuff is necessary), the hips+legs, (remain separate but are magnetized to the base because the torso joins the hips+legs with rope, again not needing green stuff), the torso+head+guns, and the base.  I decided to glue the small arms and head to the main torso part because the contact point between these pieces are all skin to skin; they will need putty and if i painted them separately first it would just look bad with gaps.

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